what is html for website devlopment

what is html for website devlopment

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firstly, when building the website know HTML, CSS, and Javascript. these are the most to know without them we can't build the website.

we all know that three things are very important for website development.

01).what is HTML?

HTML stands for a hypertext markup language. it provides a structure of the website it is a skeleton of the website's body after the add CSS for styling and JavaScript for responsive.

we can code to HTML it also knows about the tag. HTML provides tags for every element. I know you can't understand what is tags and elements. tags like keywords which is defined by website content for example; <p> Paragraph Tag </p> is a tag for a defined paragraph. if can write a paragraph you can use this tag. and many more tags are in HTML you can use for your requirements.

1. HTML tags must be enclosed within < > these brackets.

2.open tag <tag >, then closed </tag>